Found this candid of our buddy Shannon over at Cardinal Dominance and Louisville sportscasting legend Bob Domine mugging for the camera at a UofL football practice shortly before Domine left to attend the University of Louisville softball game Wednesday night.
Not enough can be said about Bob's devotion and attendance to the University of Louisville's womens' sports programs. You see Bob at all the Lady Cards basketball games, he also attends Cardinal volleyball, softball...well, it can be said that Bob is a huge fan and we thank him for his attendance, support and loyalty.
Shannon, the owner and managing editor of Cardinal Dominance keeps his plate full with excellent coverage of Cardinal football, baseball and hoops. He's a must read, his breakdown, analysis and coverage of practices, games and team makeup and posistion depth is well research and very insightful. We here at Cardinal Couple owe Shannon a BIG debt of gratitiude for helping us get our feet wet with blogging and, along with Charlie Springer at UofL Card Game and Howie Lindsey at Cardinal Sports.com...they are our patron saints of journalism.
Charlie Springer taught me pretty much everything I know about writing a concise, informative and relative sports column and it's always a joy to run into him and his lovely wife Barbara at UofL sporting events. He always puts up with my occasional cantakerous nature and gladly posts my articles about Lady Cards basketball on his site.
Before I get all misty eyed and start blabbing about all the wonderful opportunities these guys have so graciously provided us with over the years, I'll leave you with this...
Please patronize their sites (You'll find a link to them on the left hand side of our posts) and tell a buddy, invite a friend.
Written by Sonja
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