-Rucker and Arslanbeckova garner honors
-WE read your mail...(but won't take out your garbage... )
-Marion County, DALTON, GA. girls teams win.
Lola Arslanbeckova and Gwen Rucker have been named to the AVCA All-Northeast Region team. The announcement yesterday marks the second straight year that Arslanbeckova has received the honor. The sophomore was third in the BIG EAST with a kill % of 3.86.
For Rucker, the Lexington junior middle blocker, it is her first time being named to the squad. Rucker, a former Lady Cards basketball player, was second in blocks per set in the BIG EAST.
Maybe it's just us, but why is Louisville in the Northeast region? It's cold enough today to be in the northeast, (18 degrees as we write this) but I think of Boston, Portland and Bangor when the northeast comes to mind. Must just be a grouping thing...
Things about the Lady Cards (6-3) basketball team that you may have not known:
- Louisville has four Kentucky natives on the squad this year. Tia Gibbs, Monique Reid, Shelby Harper and Antonita Slaughter get misty eyed when Al Greener's pep band plays MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME. (OK...they probably don't...but they are Kentucky women.). Latoya Johnson and Polly Harrington hail from Missouri. Ten other states have sent one player each to the Jeff Walz roster of 16.
With 27 assists against Mississippi Valley State, the 2010-11 Lady Cards moved up to second place in a single game assist record. The Cards assisted 33 times against Memphis back in November 2006. I was at that game. It was played in Bellarmine's Knights Hall. And, the third game in three days for Collen's Cards...an opening season tournament. No current Lady Cards were on that team.
Louisville's 13 steals in the UT game are the most since the 16 steals against Liberty in the 2009 NCAA tournament. The Cards are 5th. in the nation currently in steals. Call the cops!
Prior to moving in the YUM, Louisville was 63-13 over the last five years in Freedom Hall. The Cards are 4-1 in the YUM. Click your heels and say it with me...'there's no place like home, there's NO place like home'. Speaking of, the Louisville womens' team will be there Saturday, Dec. 11th. vs Dayton. How about another 22,000 in the seats, fans? You can make it happen. If you're headed down to watch UofL's men play UNLV at noon, just hang around the downtown area or the KFC YUM for a few hours and make a Cardinal day of it.
If you've made it this far today, congratulations! Pop quiz time. (Answers the the bottom of today edition)
1) Sherrone Vails is from:
a) Maryland
b) New Jersey
c) Michigan
d) Haiti.
2) Which Cardinal is sitting out from a transfer from North Carolina?
a) Chauntise Wright
b) Nikki Burton
c) Kimberli Pemberton
d) Cierra Warren
3) Where did Becky Burke originally 'verbal' to?
a) Kentucky
b) Bellarmine
d) South Carolina
4) Shoni Schimmel hails from:
a) Grand Rapids, MI.
b) Vancouver, Canada
c) Jonesboro, AK.
d) Mission, OR.
5) Monique Reid lit up the scoreboards at which local high school?
a) Kentucky Country Day
b) Fern Creek
c) Jerry Abramson Vocational Tech
d) Assumption
Can you tell me if Louisville is pursuing Shoni Schimmel's sister Jude? Thanks and my wife and I enjoy your site.
Slow down there, Edward...lol. Jude is uncommitted at this time. She has said that she'd like to play college ball with her older sister, though..so we'll see what happens. Let's just hope Shoni doesn't transfer to Spalding. (Humor attempt.)
You used to write a lot over at Cardinal Sports.com? Why the lack of info over there anymore?
-The Breeze.
Heyyyy Breeze! Just a matter of so few hours in a day. Paul and I do a lot of research for our site and we also submit stuff for a couple of other independent sites out there. (Cardinal Dominance and UofL Card Game). Plus with me being on second shift at work, it's all we can do just to keep up with this site...which has grown beyond our expectations. Howie does a good job over there, though and I get over there when I can. Thanks for writing!
Paul and Sonja:
When are you going to take your site seriously and stop all the nonsense over on the left hand side of the blog?
Kenny D.
I hope WE never get to the point where we lose our humor and parody viewpoints toward life and sports. Winston Churchill once said, 'A joke is a serious thing.' I'm not really sure what he meant by that, but I like it. There are plenty of sites out there that are serious about recruiting, rumors, retaliation and reflection. We're not that way. Plus, we pay a lot of money to house and upkeep Bill the Goat, the intern chimps and to our 'associates' in Jersey for protection and exploitation. WE ain't changin'. Skip the left side if you don't care for it and thanks for commenting.
Answers to the quiz:
1) Sherrone is from Odenton, MD., Arundel High School. If you selected "a", you got it!
2) Cierra Warren played as a freshman for Sylvia H. down in Chapel Hill. "d" is correct.
3) B.B. originally verballed to South Carolina before she came to her senses. "d" again.
4) "Sho-time" wowed 'em in Oregon four years before heading to the Derby City. Another "d"
5) Mo was a Fern Creek Tiger and so was Paul! Great alumni from there...right? "b" is right.
How did you do?
5 correct. Hey, Coach Walz...didn't know you were taking the quiz!! (Or you 'googled' the answers.)
4 correct. Very good. Please apply to CARDINAL COUPLE for a intern position.
3 correct. Not bad. You've been to a game or two and read this site.
2 correct. Go to the corner, put on the dunce cap. And click on CARDINAL COUPLE every day!
1 correct. Looks like you're going to run the steps at the YUM. Lace up and get at it....
0 correct. We hate it when UK fans come in here and mess up the results...
Louisville verbal Quaneisha McCurty had 17 points and 17 rebounds in the Dalton, GA. win over Cedartown 91-27. Marion County defeated Adair County 55-41. Individual stats for the Marion County game were not available at the time of this entry...WE'LL add them when he can find them.
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