From all of us here at Cardinal Couple to ALL of you... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Paul (Giving up nothing this year)
Sonja (Happy New Year, readers!)
David Watson (Go CARDS in 2011)

Tommy Boy (May all your wagers be profitable..)
Bill the Goat (Haaaappyyy Neeww Yearrrrrr!!!!)
The Chimps (More egg nog!)
Tilly the Tour Guide (Best wishes and...SMILE!)
Tom da Bomb (I'm giving up bad beer in 2011.)
Poobah (May the blessings of this season be upon you...)
MArkyMArk (Oh...yeee-ahhh!)
Bonnay Saybel (Where's my luggage!)
Shannon CD (Where's the Tylenol?)
The interns, staff and government officials joining us today...Happy New Year!
(Sonja used a tape recorder to capture her observations on the annual Uofl vs. UK basketball party that she attends pretty much every year. Paul was with her this year. Her report below.)
It's a party I go to every year. About 15-20 couples, equally divided most years, between Red and Blue fans...held at the home of a "mixed" couple (one is Red, the other Blue). Sometimes, usually in the "odd" or Rupp Years, Paul makes the party. This year he did because of new arrangements with season hoops tickets and sharing 1/2 the games with an old and dear friend.
It's darn early to be playing this thing...but we get the morning things done and we're in the host's driveway by 11:30 a.m. Crowd is rolling in, looks like we'll have about 40 people this year and Paul has brought plenty of champagne for the post game toast. There is a 'pick the final total points' jackpot up and going and I go in low...at 119. Paul is a bit higher...seeing this one at 146. There are guesses from 101 to 170. It's tip off time!
-We look good early and the Red in attendance is whooping and yelling. 12-6 and about 14 minutes left in the first half. Someone brought a delicious quiche and it's getting my attention as well.
-OK, that lead evaporated. Cats tie it after Knight knocks in a uncontested three. Nervous time.
-21-14. Cats on a 7-0 run. The Blue is in full voice here and I'm thinking maybe an egg-nog might help. DeAndre Liggins looks like he could use one, also. A little over seven minutes to go in the first half. Paul and his buddy Bob are sitting rather gloomily in their chairs...not speaking.
-Terrence Jennings got all of that dunk! 28-22 and everybody in this basement is yelling now. Ernie leading a CATS cheer. Bob countering with the CARDS version.
-35-24 at the half. Nothing worse that a bunch of gloating, smirking UK fans. Paul, Bob and Case discuss the Cardinal collapse in the final minutes. I start looking at a jewelry/home demonstration catalogue that one of the ladies here is having a party for next month. Second half team, right?
-Harrellson just hit a three? Good gracious! 44-26. Can someone on this team please guard him and could we get a score? Sixteen minutes to go...plenty of time, but UK definitely has "the mo" right now.
-Three by Knowles. At least he's scoring. The egg nog is getting refilled and Paul is in full Bud Select, ex-coach and drill sergeant mode...shouting out instructions to the Cardinals that are down by 15 and 13:50 left.
-Go Preston Go! Down to nine points now and a little less than half of the final half to go. Sounds loud in the KFC YUM! Center. It's definitely loud here at the party.
-Would someone guard Terrance Jones? A layup from him and Cats up 66-52 with about six minutes left. My 119 total points isn't going to be a winner.
-Well, that was ugly. 78-63 and a bunch of happy blue clad here at the party. Paul's point guess barely loses to Ernie...who had nailed 141 on the head. The customary congratulations, hugs and Paul breaks out the champagne and glasses for the annual toasts from a winner and a loser. Paul's is classic.
"Here's to the winners. They played with no fear. Enjoy it while you can. We'll get you next year!"
-It's 8:30 and I'm pretty much done for the day. Up too early,not enough sleep last night and way too full of food and beverage. Paul's upstairs playing poker with the boys (and winning rather handsomely I'm told). I'm here in the basement watching FSU and South Carolina. The UK fans and I finally have something in common. We both dislike Spurrier.
This party will roll on until midnight and beyond but I won't see it. Too early a start for this ol' gal and as we leave around 10 p.m....stuffed full of food.... Paul taking the keys because he stopped several hours ago and I'm still with beverage. Happy New Year ALL!
Paul and Sonja did indeed make it home safely and watched Dick Clark bring in 2011. They were asleep by 12:30.
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