(We offer this break from the mind numbing and more information that we probably needed to know trial pitting the U.S. vs. Karen Sypher.)
Pictured to the right is a photo that Adrienne Johnson may have forgotten about. Taken around the turn of the century, it only goes to show that she was a pretty foxy lady back then, too.
You know A.J. The broadcast commentator for University of Louisville women's basketball. Spot on and informative descriptions. Not afraid to tell it like it is...whether the news is good or bad on the court.
CARDINAL COUPLE decided to put the full court press on her and find out a little more about her for you, the readers. As you'll read in the paragraphs below, she handled the press easily and took it straight to the hoop and scored...just like she did back at Butler, Ohio State and the WNBA. Enjoy!
C.C.: Tell us about your other duties at the University of Louisville.
A.J: My primary job responsibilities are to market women's basketball. That includes advertising, community outreach, game day promotions and media spots. I also serve as a women's basketball mentor and oversee some volleyball.
C.C.: Tell the readers about your time in the WNBA.
A.J.: It is cool for me to be able to say I was one of the trail blazers for the WNBA. I played eight years (Cleveland, Orlando, Connecticut and Seattle) from the time the league started and it was probably the most amazing and rewarding eight years of my life.
C.C.: Who was had the biggest influence on your life?
A.J.: My mother.
C.C: Name three people that you wouldn't mind being stranded on a desert island with.
A.J.: Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and the cast of Law and Order Special Victims Unit.
C.C.: If you weren't here at UofL, what would we find you doing?
A.J.: Day trading the foreign exchange market and futures markets.
C.C.: We're sitting down with you for your favorite meal. What are we having?
A.J.: I love Hispanic and Cuban food! Saffron rice, black beans, quarter chicken cooked on a open flame grill.
C.C.: What's the craziest or strangest thing you've seen while doing a broadcast?
A.J.: The opposing team's radio person eating an entire large pizza during a broadcast.
C.C: What about A.J. and coaching?
A.J: I believe in giving back to the game that has given so much to me. I love to have a coaching influence at the middle school level.
C.C.: If we were riding to work with you, what are we listening to in the car?
A.J. I enjoy a variety of music so my radio station is usually set to a station that plays Top 40 music.
C.C.: How do you see the fortunes of the Lady Cards this season?
A.J.: We have a lot of talent this year. We have returning players that have improved their game tremendously and a Top 5 recruiting class that will join them. Jeff Walz should enjoy the depth he will have...assuming everyone stays healthy.
C.C.: If you are granted three wishes, what do you choose?
A.J.: My mom to receive a kidney transplant. To have eternal good health. Women's basketball to win the National Championship.
CARDINAL COUPLE thanks Adrienne Johnson for taking the time to share a little bit about herself with our readers. Be sure to give her (and her mom) a big hug next time you see them.
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