Why is Bill so happy?
He heard the news about the chance to get season tickets for UofL Womens' basketball. Here's the information on how you can join Bill this season:
Selections for seats for new potential season ticket holders will be held at the YUM Center on the UofL campus on Monday August 9th.
Those interested should go to the YUM Multipurpose room starting at 3 p.m. to pick seats.
Pricing is as follows:
$80 for adults.
$25 for children.
$75 for faculty and students
There will be a $50 donation if you want to sit in Sections 106 or 116. Same donation if you're looking to land in rows A-F in Sections 105, 107, 115 & 117.
Family plans are also available. $160 a year and you can choose from Sections 103,104,108, 119,113, 114, 118 & 119.
This is an excellent opportunity to see the Lady Cards at great prices. Additional information can be obtained by calling 502.852.5863.
U.S. vs. Sypher Friday results:
-Former Sypher attorney Dana Kung Fu admits that he fooled around with our girl several times and didn't want to represent her at first. He got interested though when he figured out what 10% of 10 million dollars worked out to. Capitalism...the American way.
-Don't shoot Tim Sypher...he's only the message carrier. Tim denies that he help construct the letter he hand delivered to Rick shortly before the Cards game against WVU. I wonder if he brought the rest of the mail to Rick as well? I wonder if I could get him to check my PO Box for me on a regular basis. In fact, I just wonder about Timmy and what he was thinking when he decided to marry ol' Sharin' Karen. I also wonder why Disney character Goofy can talk and Pluto can't. After all, they're both dogs. I also wonder....oh, never mind.
-Dana Kung Fu was a scared and fearing for Karen's life and safety after the Rick responded to her requests. I wonder if he listens to much Lynyrd Skynyrd?
-We now know why Richard Pitino decided to leave the nest and shuffle off to Gainesville. It wasn't because they do the "Gator Chomp" during games. It wasn't because he loves the blue and orange color scheme of UF. Dad didn't want him exposed to the upcoming media circus. And, it was the right move. Gainesville has no media, internet connections and has no idea that this case is actually going on. They still think Andy Griffith and Opie walk to that pond every day and Urban Meyer was the movie sequel to URBAN COWBOY.
-We learned that the chances of reconciliation and dialogue between Karen and Tim are pretty much out the window. Shame...those two crazy kids seemed so right for each other.
-We were reminded that Rick is a part owner in several car dealerships in Lexington. Now that UK fans have access to this information, you can expect sales to drop 50%. "I ain't gonna drive no car that Piteneer is associated with". (I wonder if Calipari got his Lexus there?)
Remember, two more days to get in your e-mails for $10 worth of PANERA gift cards this week. We've had some pretty good entries this week and deciding a winner could be tough. Maybe you've got one that will blow the rest away? (Sorry, bad Sypher reference.) E-mail it to us at:
cardinalcouple@insightbb.com or just leave your masterpiece in the comments section here. Even if you don't win this week, there will be several more chances to win and all entries are eligible for a 2 week vacation touring the grape arbors of South Dakota. (OK, we made the last part up...but we still encourage you to get those PANERA love letters to us.)
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