(We take this brief departure from Louisville womens' sports to share a story about the antics going on in Lexington. Do not adjust your viewing screen or fire off any irate e-mails to us...we'll return to normal CARDINAL programming tomorrow. We know where our readership comes from...)
Rumors out of Lexington that reserve guard Carly Morrow has left school. Morrow's playing time dropped significantly during her junior year at UK. She looks pretty serious about hoops in this picture....
We have stumbled upon a great article by Jennifer Smith of the LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER about some of the frivolity involved amongst the UK womens' basketball team. The Cats travel to Louisville to play Jeff Walz and the Lady Cards in the new downtown arena this year. Here's Smith's report:
UK women's chemistry is a joking matter
Playing pranks on coaches brought team closer
by Jennifer Smith
Last summer, Kyra Elzy couldn't wait to get home from a long, difficult day at the office.
The assistant UK women's basketball coach can't remember what had made this day so bad, she just remembered wanting to get home to relax.
As she pulled into her driveway, she found several neighbors standing in front of her house staring at it.
Then she saw them: more than 300 white forks stuck tine-side up all over her yard.
"I was like, "What are you all doing here and why are these forks in my yard?" Elzy asked her neighbors. "I just lost it. I went over the edge. The more forks I saw, the madder I got."
All coaches work hard to develop team chemistry.
But in the last few months, Kentucky's coaches have probably wished for a little less chemistry.
Harmless pranks have struck Elzy twice and head coach Matthew Mitchell once.
The players involved refer to themselves as the "Women In Black".
The "Tour de Forks" started with boredom and four Cats at a Wal-Mart sometime after 11 p.m.
"We were going to toilet paper and fork Coach Mitchell's yard." junior guard Carly Morrow said.
"We were staking out his house. We could see him watching TV. We waited more than an hour and he didn't move. We couldn't get him that night." explained Amani Franklin.
So Franklin, Morrow, forward Victoria Dunlap and guard Amber Smith got Elzy instead.
Some other fun has included sticking over 600 Post-It notes on Elzy's car while it was at the Lexington airport and filling Mitchell's car (with assistance from his wife) with balloons and Hannah Montana streamers.
The coaches haven't done anything to get the players back but Elzy says the players should be on the lookout.
"We're still waiting." comments Franklin. "If I were them, I'd watch their back instead."
Sometimes, it isn't all about the rivalry that you see on the internet boards. A good story is a good story whether it involves red, blue...or in this case...women in black.
(No reports of such mischief around Belknap Campus these days...but it is rumored that the LADY CARDS might be concentrating on getting to .500 this year instead of plotting against the skipper. Word has it, though...that Coach Walz recently took in "TOY STORY 3". Could Buzz Lightyear be making an unscheduled apperance at Jeff's home?)
Please take time to view this short and wonderful inspirational piece that our buddy Al Parrish sent to us.
Use it to make your world a little better place and have a good day out there...friends.
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