Memphis fans practice their "happy dance" in anticipation that the Big East might come calling. Elvis must be spinning in his tomb.
With all the conference mumbo-jumbo on the back burner for a brief respite, one wonders if the BIG EAST is thinking about adding a few members to its shaky football coalition? We've said it before and will say it again...Memphis and East Carolina would be quite acceptable additions to the fold. They wouldn't immediately add much to the already strong womens' basketball, softball and volleyball landscape but the potential for growth is very positive and we enjoy our trips to Memphis every two years. ECU fans are fanatical about their football and we can see that spreading to womens' sports when you're going up against the Connecticut's, Rutgers' and Louisville's of the sports world instead of Marshall, UAB or UTEP.
Is Ron Mann the hardest working coach down on the Belknap Campus? He coaches both the men and womens' track and field squads and both teams had their highest finishes ever in the recent NCAA Championships. You the man...Mann!
Why are they playing World Cup Soccer in winter conditions? We've always associated the sport with pleasant spring, summer or fall afternoons. Temperatures in the low 40's face the athletes on the biggest stage for what the rest of the world calls football? No wonder the fans keep blowing those annoying horns...they're trying to keep their lips from freezing.
How happy is Pam Bustin...UofL Field Hockey head coach...these days? Her returning goalie, Heather Bustanoby was named to the All-American 2nd squad in preseason voting. Offensive brings in the fans but defense wins games and the Cards have a solid stopper in the net with Bustanoby.
Isn't it time for Louisville to get a WNBA franchise? The "yummy" facility downtown is rapidly taking shape...no other competing events in the city during that time of year except minor league baseball and catholic picnics and we are the national hotbed of hoops here in Louisville, right? I'd even be OK with a couple of games being played in Rupp Arena...provided that Calipari is denied admission and UK fans are forced to leave their farm animals and implements back on the acreage for these events.
Don't look now...but the back court for Jeff Walz's UofL Lady Cards looks like the Watterson Expressway during rush hour. No less than nine players could compete for starting jobs and playing time. Competition is good...and much better to have multiple options than having to play Becky Burke and Shelby Harper 40 minutes a game. No offense to Becky or Shelby...but you know they had to be exhausted out there after 40 minutes against BIG EAST competition.
(Bonus points if you can name all nine potential participants for the spots.)
Finally, shouldn't something be done about the format for the Ky. State Softball Tournament? Is it really fair to have one team play five games in one day? Couldn't this thing be spread out to a three day affair instead of two? This isn't cart golf or throwing a few balls down the lanes...it's competitive softball in 90 degree heat.
A third day of action for, let's say the final four teams, would increase the attendance numbers, hotel lodging and revenue dollars for host city and give fans of the final four a chance to show up for the finals if they have to work on Saturday.
Start it on Friday and play it thru Sunday.
Sermon ended...go in peace and drink plenty of water...
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