A candid shot of the newest Big East womens' basketball referees to start out Wednesday morning. Or, it could be an example of the defense the Seattle Storm was employing on Angel Tuesday night in Seattle. You decide...it's "hump day" and the Three Stooges make about as much sense to me today as anything else. Why does grass have to grow so darn fast this time of year?
Too much Lauren Jackson last night for the Atlanta Dream in Seatlle. The 6'5" post veteran from Australia lit Angel and company up for 32 points last night in the Key Arena in a game that simply wasn't close after the half.
Who knew a mammoth like that could shoot threes like Kobe?
Angel, swarmed by double teams most of the evening...managed 18 points in the loss...but it wasn't one of those stellar McCoughtry performances. A bit of the old,
stubborn Angel last night..failure to pass out of the traps and weaving down the lane like Otis Campbell on a Saturday night in Mayberry. At least her three looked good last night.
The Dream goes to 6-1. Fourth road game in a row and the bluest skies you've ever
seen definitely weren't shining on the Atlanta bench Tuesday. (Sorry, Andy
CARDINAL COUPLE thinks that college womens' golf should extend into the summer months
instead of ending around graduation time. It just makes sense, right?
After all this is the time of the year when a lot of you are out there walking thru knee high rough looking for that steamer off the tee. The UofL womens' golf team looks absolutely fabulous for 2010-11 and I'm sure they're getting in a lot of rounds during the summer break. We've been trying to get an interview with someone over there connected with golf but the only takers we've had so far is one of the security cops that drives a golf cart around campus at night.
So, let's say you have this radio station in town...let's call it CARDS RADIO... but
UofL athletics are rarely ever heard on it. You get Cincinnati Reds baseball, some yapping flamer called Jim Rome, loveable Joe B. and Denny and that disc jockey turned sports host named Vanetti (who needs a tag team partner on AFTERNOON UNDERDOGS).
No UofL baseball, softball, volleyball or even Tom Jurich singing his favorite Doobie Brothers songs.
Clear Channel Communications at it's finest.
I wonder how many communication majors at UofL would love to get a little on the job practical experience by announcing games, hosting talk shows, writing copy or even interviewing on campus athletes?
Oh, for the days when WXVW and WTMT were on the air. Local programming, crazy sports talk shows hosts with local ties and opinions and zero coverage of the Stanley Cup.
Sure, there will be football, men and women's basketball later this year. Why can't there be other sports? Is UofL so far up Nelligan Sports waste eliminator that they can't devote a little air time to Leonard Yelin, Pam Bustin, Sandy Pearsall or Dan McDonnell?
Turn the whole mess over to Bisig Impact, Cox Radio or Bill and Ted's Excellent Communications (dude) and let's give a little air time to "the best college sports town in America". I could care less about mixed martial arts, Ben Rottenburger or Rampage Jackson.
Ooops, I forgot. It's all about the 'benjamins" these days. Oh, well. It was a nice dream while it lasted. Maybe I'll take a couple of tin cans, a lot of string and do my own play by play of softball, volleyball and field hockey this year.
Let me know if you want info on a "premium subscription". Commercial free, unless Paul staggers in and starts talking about Bud Select.
End of sermon...go in peace.
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